Servicing Chelmsford's Automotive Needs Since 1978
Servicing Chelmsford's Automotive Needs Since 1978
OPEN WEEKDAYS 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. & 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

David McAllister
David McAllister is the founder of Triangle Service Center, Inc.
David still keeps involved with the business, but does so behind the scenes doing what he likes to refer to as "advising".
David grew up in Carlisle in what he describes as a perfect setting for a kid in the 50's. While attending Concord Carlisle High School he found time after school and summers to work at Great Brook Farms as a field hand, tractor/truck repairer and finally in the milking barn taking care of what he fondly referred to as the "girls". His love for farming continued and he went on to earn an Associates degree in Animal Husbandry from Stockbridge School of Agriculture.
Shortly after graduation he was drafted into the Army infantry with a year tour in Vietnam, upon return he was back to U. Mass. studying in the pre-vet program. It was around this time that he realized his true love in life was automotive repair. He says he was fortunate to be taken under the wing by the late/great Arnold "Bud" Garrow. Bud operated the "Buttonwood Citgo" in Chelmsford Center and was the foremost "tech of the time".
The opportunity to run his own operation occurred in 1978 and since then he has been dedicated to his passion to repair and maintain the ever changing automobile. Early on he realized the need to stay abreast of the technological advances and is a charter member of the ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) Society, having first tested in 1974.
After the many years of schooling and automobile clinics he's attended there are not a lot of automobile questions that he can't answer, given the proper information. David has been certified for the over 30 years in all of the eight automotive repair categories tested by ASE, and now also holds the newer L1 rating. He is ASE Certified to repair CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) vehicles and is well versed in the maintenance and repair of Hybrid Vehicles.